Thursday, 3 April 2008

Dear Reader(s?)

I like my blog. And I do not post rubbish on it unless it is satisfactory rubbish. I haven't been writing anything at all, good, bad, or worthy of critical appraisal, for the past several weeks. I don't like it either. But, for whatever reasons and circumstances, that's the way it is. If you do not like seeing the same unchanging page every time you are kind enough to visit my blog, please do not visit at all. When I'm good and ready, I will let you know. If you still care then.


rhea said...

apologies are in order.
you must be quite bugged, what with the dancing and all.

Milk.Tea said...

*random post*

Bento said...

ur blog is wonderful !!...luvd readin ol da articles !!...dint read da poems though !!.....mind if i used some of ur ideas nd parts of ur articles in my english exams or summin??....ur reely a gud writer !!

rhea said...

couldn't find you yesterday, afterwards.
looked and looked.

Shalmi said...

i believe you.
was busy that evening. with things i couldn't have imagined.
thank you anyway. glad you got to see it on the best day.

joey said...

yes yes.i know u were busy with *things*.

Anonymous said...

i think this poem is a refletion of your spontaneity because even though a few lines really lead nowhere its still a pleasant read

Anonymous said...
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Shalmi said...

joey- no smirking please.
anonymous person- thank you. i shall accept the compliment anyway.

gah. must start writing again.

Anonymous said...

anonymous animal: you write well. don't let anonymous get you down. If you want to write poetry you should read a lot of good poetry. I suggest you read Andrew Marvell and T.S. Eliot. Nymph complaining on the death of her fawn and love song of j alfred prufrock respectively. You can also try reading lewis carols nonsense verse. If you want to read witty poetry you should look no further than Lord Byron. He has written some fantastically funny verse. You can try Don Juan. Its very witty and he has a very balanced style.

joey said...

yuck.who is this pompous patronizing intellectual in our midst.

Shalmi said...

no doubt a benevolent but clueless stranger. who cannot spell lewis CARROLL. i would know. check title of blog, mr. animal.

Anonymous said...

anonymous animal: i sincerely apologize for that rather stupid slip of mine. let us not breed animosity any more. breeding animosity does not make for pleasing offspring. we shall move ahead and we shall read poetry if it pleases you and if it doesn't then poetry shall read you.

Shalmi said...

i should like nothing better myself.

do you also have a blog i can scrutinize and generously comment on?

rhea said...

ah, informative comments.
i thoroughly dislike them.
no offence meant.
but they remind me of certain entirely annoying persons.

but pls get back to writing now. i miss ur stuff.

joey said...

let us not go into what breeds pleasing offspring.
Rather indelicate.