Wednesday, 27 May 2009

A wind came from faraway lands to visit the dry woods.

It found a sleeping silence painted rust and gold and brown.

Paused on its way and turned dead leaves into butterflies.


Unknown said...

I can't spot the butterflies...

Anushka said...

I've been searching online for a picture like this since years ago.


Lalaland said...

Loved the butterfly line. And the rust line. And the other line too.

Did you write it?

The picture reminded of that poem by Frost.The Road Less Travelled By...

Or I think that's what it was called.
"...and I took the one less travelled by/ And that's made all the difference..."????
Yeah, something like that...

Shalmi said...

Yes, I wrote it. Stole the picture though. Didn't seem right without it.

Diwakar Sinha said...

it is one of very beautiful things i have heard in the small size that it is